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From The Founder: Gartner Events And EA (Part 2)

By August 12, 2023Articles

Selected Highlights from Gartner’s Successful
Conference on Tech Growth and Innovation

By Steve Else, Ph.D., Founder and Contributing Editor of the Enterprise Architecture Professional Journal

Gartner’s Tech Growth and Innovation Conference in June 2023 had as its goal to recommend how technology service providers can accelerate growth, drive product innovation, and leverage emerging technologies. This was a very substantive event with wide-ranging drill downs into Customer Experience, AI, Composable Capabilities, example Use Cases, and Cloud developments to relay important insights and suggestions to achieve monetizable business value.

This article will provide a few highlights via selected graphics from the expansive set of proceedings for the 2-day event. However, because of the particularly extensive presentations on AI and Customer Experience, graphics from those areas are not included. In addition, there were some excellent presentations related to Business Outcomes and Values that are not focused on here. Nonetheless, the following (occasionally annotated) visuals can largely stand on their own as snapshots on other topics at this event, one of Gartner’s best.

Big Picture Insights

Example Use Cases

The above graphic highlights an exciting new opportunity for Enterprise Architects to make valuable contributions, assuming they will upscale their knowledge and skills, including to leverage Generative AI effectively.

In conclusion, this event was a top-tier conference on critical concerns of the business and therefore ones that CIOs must be prepared to develop robust approaches to meet those concerns authoritatively and rapidly to key stakeholders in the most critical of value streams.

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