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Complementing Agile SDLC with Agile Architecture

By August 7, 2014December 29th, 2015Articles

By David Shilman

Today’s highly competitive and customer-centric market conditions have pushed software and solution delivery organizations beyond the traditionally accepted limits of software development and delivery capabilities. Lean methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma and DevOps can help improve operational solution delivery capacities through

  • Streamlining of solution delivery process
  • Improved software quality
  • Automation of system operations
  • Self-administration of system operations by development teams

Agile methodologies augment such operational improvements with their own enablement of faster time to market (TTM) by transforming the Lean concept of value-added activities into value-added product features. Agile software architecture augments solution delivery organizations’ Agile software development life cycle (SDLC) capabilities with flexible architectures that facilitate future product development.

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