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Case Study: Improving a Cloud Computing Initiative at a Non-Profit Organization

By May 21, 2014July 12th, 2014Articles

This paper was written by Abi O’Neal to fulfill an assignment from the University of Denver University College ICT 4010 Enterprise Architecture course taught by EAPJ founder Dr. Steve Else.

The prospect of adopting a cloud-computing environment is, for many organizations, enticing. The investigation herein explores the prospect of pursing a cloud computing initiative at a non-profit organization within the context of business, information systems, and technology architectures.
[restrict] The solutions proposed include employing TOGAF, introducing novel organizational structures, standardizing organizational data and relevant business processes, and standardizing the technological landscape at the organization. The investigation finds that these solutions would improve the likelihood of project success, result in reduced IT and training costs, and improve productivity within the organization. The standardization of both business processes and technology environments would likely simplify and improve the user experience.

An iterative process of discovery, development, and deployment would serve to help the organization mature from an architectural perspective. In addition to the benefits derived from the successful adoption of a cloud-computing solution, architectural maturation would benefit the organization in terms of reduced IT costs and other measurable indicators. In tandem, the benefits associated with architectural maturation and the adoption of a cloud-computing environment would positively impact the organization’s strategic capabilities.

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