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Building a portfolio career: A Self unLimited approach to work

In the tapestry of modern careers, the concept of a portfolio career is emerging as a vibrant and fulfilling path, reminiscent of how artists, actors, and musicians have navigated their vocational journeys. Unlike traditional career trajectories marked by long-term employment in a single organisation, a portfolio career comprises multiple work streams, often pursued simultaneously. This approach not only fosters a rich skill set but also allows for personal fulfilment across diverse interests. It is also a pragmatic response to the shifting landscape of work where organisations seek to access talent on a per project basis rather than take on permanent staff.

Introducing Self unLimited

I created the Self unLimited framework as a means to illuminate a path for those seeking to lead themselves in their experience of work. That experience could be navigating a series of gigs, sometimes simultaneously – in what is called a “portfolio career”.

The essence of being Self unlimited is adopting the mindset of being self-employed, even if you are not truly self-employed. In doing so, you lead yourself in the intentions and decisions of the workscape you inhabit. This shift fosters a creative and purposeful approach to navigating and shaping one’s professional journey. You actively design your working life, aligning with personal values and aspirations and the realities of other aspects of your life.

Self unLimited uses the concept of a “workscape” instead of a “career” to broaden the perspective of work beyond any single job or employer. It reflects a more holistic and fluid understanding of work, recognising that working life consists of a constellation of roles, projects, and learning experiences at any one time, and across time. And you are the leader or the sovereign of this space – not any employer!

Seven Responsibilities and actionable steps

In building a portfolio career, the seven responsibilities of being Self unLimited provide a handy easy to remember framework (they all start with ‘R’) to guide your sovereign steps.

Reign: Navigating Your Vocational Adventure

Shape the reign of your workscape according to your intention to have a portfolio career. Define the overarching themes of your workscape. Plot out immediate intentions as well as those for the distant horizon to align with the themes.

Actionable Steps:

  • Draft a workscape map that includes short-term gigs or projects and long-term aspirations. Include all things that are work-like, not just the things that pay you a wage.
  • Periodically review and adjust your map to reflect your evolving interests and market opportunities.

Rules: Creating Your Operating Principles

As sovereign of your workscape, you determine the patterns and rules of your professional life. You do this to ensure balanced and effective management of your multiple roles without compromising your well-being.

Actionable Steps:

  • Define your optimal work conditions, including preferences for time, location, and type of work.
  • Establish boundaries with each role or gig to maintain clarity and prevent burnout.

Reputation: Sculpting Your Professional Identity

When frequently looking for work opportunities, your reputation is your currency to be seen and considered across different streams.

Actionable Steps:

  • Curate a personal brand that highlights your diverse skills and experiences.
  • Share your achievements and insights through professional networks and social media to enhance your visibility.

Relationships: Building a Supportive Network

A strong personal network is invaluable, offering insights, collaborations, and support as you navigate a workscape with multiple roles and shifting organisational relationships.

Actionable Steps:

  • Connect with professionals across different industries to diversify your network.
  • Engage in communities related to your interests, contributing and learning from others.

Resources: Assembling Your Toolkit

Equipping yourself with the right tools, skills, and support system is crucial for managing the varied demands of your workscape efficiently.

Actionable Steps:

  • Identify the essential resources and tools necessary for each segment in your workscape.
  • Allocate time and budget for acquiring and upgrading the necessary resources.

Renewal: Cultivating Growth and Adaptability

Your workscape thrives on continuous evolution — learning new skills, adapting to shifts in the market, and exploring fresh opportunities.

Actionable Steps:

  • Set aside time for learning, whether through formal education, workshops, or self-study.
  • Experiment with new roles or projects within your workscape to foster adaptability.

Revenue: Defining Your Value Exchange

Understanding and articulating the value you bring to each role is key to ensuring fair compensation and fulfillment across your workscape.

Actionable Steps:

  • Evaluate your services against market standards to ensure fair pricing and conditions.
  • Regularly review your income strategies and adjust as necessary to ensure they meet your financial and career goals.

Embracing the portfolio career path

Building a workscape that is a portfolio career is akin to creating a mosaic — each piece, whether a job, project, or gig, contributes to a larger, cohesive picture of your professional life.

A portfolio career offers a dynamic and satisfying approach to work, allowing for a blend of professional activities that can adapt and evolve with your changing interests and market trends. By leveraging the Self unLimited framework, you’re equipped to navigate this multifaceted career choice with confidence and clarity.

For those curious to explore this workscape model further, the Self unLimited approach provides a robust foundation. By engaging with its principles, either through the foundational book or the wealth of resources available on the website, you gain access to approaches that enable the design and management of a workscape that is rich and varied.

May you navigate your portfolio career workscape with the courage of a pioneer and the wisdom of a sage, crafting a path that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations, all within your control.

About the Author

Helen Palmer is a visionary thinker and the creator of the Self unLimited philosophy, dedicated to transforming how individuals navigate their workscapes. Formerly a Director of EA Learning, she worked closely with Business and Enterprise Architects, designing and delivering learning programmes tailored to these critical roles. Her capability as a learning designer, combined with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the architectural realm, positions her uniquely to empower professionals towards self-driven career paths and enriched work experiences. Helen’s passion for personal and professional development shines through her writings, workshops, and coaching, inspiring a proactive shift in career management and workplace engagement.

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