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A Decision Architecture Whitepaper – Part 2

By June 29, 2017Articles

From the Editor: Welcome to part 2 in this whitepaper series from David G. Ullman, who specializes in Design Process, Decision Making and Aeronautics Consulting.

In part 1 of this two-part series, David defined Decision Architecture, it’s constituent parts, and showed how to measure decision making capability and maturity. In this fascinating second part, David applies this knowledge to the major frameworks and standards in use today, including TOGAF, DoDAF and others. Also included is a detailed look at how agile software development practices shape up against the Decision Architecture framework.

Here’s a quick excerpt from the paper, which is entitled:

“Decision Architecture in EA Standards and Agile Programming.”

Goals of this whitepaper

The goal of this white paper is to review government and other standards to see how they support Decision Architecture.  Most of these standards apply to unstructured decisions with only DMN aimed at structured, rule based decisions.

Additionally, Decision Architecture’s support for agile processes is developed.  This is undertaken because agile processes are widely used by people aware of Enterprise Architecture.

The framework for this paper is the use of the ten DA measures developed in Part 1, Introduction to Decision Architecture And Why Is It Important to Making Agile, Acquisition, Gap Resolution and Other EA Decisions,  These measures are applied to the standards and agile process to evaluate how well they support decision-centered methods.

To continue reading, click on the button below to download the full whitepaper. We hope you enjoyed reading this series on Decision Architecture. Don’t forget to sign up and comment if you would like to discuss this material, or any other articles published on the EAPJ website.

If you would like to contact the author, or to see more of his material, you can do that here:  [email protected] and

Download Part 2 (PDF)
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